Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A link share due to distraction

I'm supposed to be writing. I put Tuesday nights aside just to write.  Usually I'm good about it. 2 to 3 posts, formatted at the least. Tonight isn't that. Tonight I'm listening to Orange is the New Black and reading some of my favorites. I'm "supposed" to be writing. Which is funny. Like many, this is a hobby. I work 45 hours a week, I'm a full time mom, I work in things like exercise, friendship, cooking and cleaning. I try new recipes, vacuum my floors, and walk the dogs most nights. On Tuesdays I hide out with the DJ and usually write. Tonight choose to share some of this weeks favorite posts:

Erin went to Serendipity - yes the bakery, from the movie. This link is mostly about jealousy really. mmm it all looks so good.

Taylor shared some of her doubts  - I fully commit to my anxiety being based in "reasonable caution" but that is really quite a crock of a crap so her story hit home a bit with me.

Kari posted about making new friends in our 20s -Let's be honest, after college there seems to be some sort of secret handshake that no one told us. She really hits the nail on the head about the lack of options.

Helene just got back from Vegas: Always read the Vegas reviews ladies, they'll help immensely with tips and tricks your next trip. Helene also became a meme this week - uneducated, but amusing none the less.

What is a blog post that got you distracted this week?

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