The rain is here. (Yes it rains in California) And while the first rain includes a terrible allergic reaction for me, its a welcome adjustment to the last few weeks.
This fall has been beautiful and wonderful. Buggy is now 3!! I have no idea where the last 36 months went, or how she got so smart(she wrote the letter "P" for me-all by herself!), but she is. And I love her so much for it. We're having a princess party on Sunday, designer cupcakes and tiara's included. I love being able to give her magical days and making her dreams come true.
The penpal disappeared again. He, or I, or we got busy and lost touch. Stopped making adjustments for each other and now he's gone. We've talked once every couple weeks. Maybe he'll come back some day. I finished my last Moleskine to him this week, let him know I'm done trying to write to him, I'd rather write for me now. Priorities, you know? So today's storm is a willing adjustment.
A reason to whole up and hide out under a blanket. A reason to eat soup and reflect. Now if I could just fill those blank pages

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