Monday, May 12, 2014

Sunday Social | A little walk down my TV's past

Hi friends, before we get started, will you do me a favor and go follow any one of my social media sites today; please and thank you... links in the pretty circles to the right ->
I'm joining Ashley and Neely with their link-up today for Sunday Social! Visit one of their pages to find the full listed of linked up blogs that participated this week!
These are all about TV shows from the past!

1. What was your favorite TGIF show?
I think Full House is my official favorite, with Step by Step as a close second 

2. What was your favorite Saturday morning TV show?
 I don't remember many Saturday shows, I think I was always itching to get outside instead... I do remember being VERY young and watching Mickey Mousercise 

3. Mickey Mouse Club or Kids Incorporated.?
 MMC! Little Justin, Little Ryan, Little Brittney was even cute then.

4. Zack Morris or AC Slater?
Zack Morris... Always have liked a bit of a bad boy and I totally wanted to be Kelly Kapowski

5. Which show would you love to see remade? (For example, Boy Meets World is back as Girl Meets World)
I really love that Boy Meets World is coming back. I think it would be fun to see the Full House group together again... Stephanie raising 3 boys? 

As always I hope you participate with us, I love reading these.  If you repost please be sure to link up with the girls above, and find a collection of other blogs to go visit.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Helping Daddy turn 65 with some love for Canva

*I have not been compensated for this post and all opinions are my own*

This adorable invitation went out to 50 of my dads closest friends last week:
When mom asked for help finding a fun invitation I asked a very busy friend, and when it got close to crunch time, I went to find my own solution. I looked up one of the tools I found at my work conference and decided to put it to good use. Canva is a wonderful free resource for photo editing. It is no Photoshop in it's capabilities, but if you don't own Photoshop or just aren't terribly interested in getting extreme with it, this may be a perfect site to use. I've found it a great resource for blog images, editing photos for Facebook and Twitter, and now inviting our family and friends to celebrate.

So Canva is so sweet and simple, they even offer wonderful premium elements for only $1 each.
Here are the basics:

That's a very rough basic run-down, and with each image I tend to spend lots of time tweaking fonts, altering sizes, and changing elements. It is a great resource for any blogger looking to spice up their blog images.

What is your favorite tool for blogging?

Monday, May 5, 2014

recover, relieve, recooperate | Sunday social

Hi friends, before we get started, will you do me a favor and go follow any one of my social media sites today; please and thank you... links in the pretty circles to the right ->
I'm joining Ashley and Neely with their link-up today for Sunday Social! Visit one of their pages to find the full listed of linked up blogs that participated this week!

1. Who do you call when you need to vent?
Depends on what I'm venting about, usually my mom, unless I know she's stressed out about something else, then my poor boyfriend gets to listen.

2. Where do you go when you need alone time?
 Usually my porch out back. P is good about playing by herself when I ask her too so I can relax alone. I'm also a sucker for a glass of wine and bit to eat at a crowded place where I can be invisible.

I really adore our back deck

3. What is your favorite alone time activity?
Sometimes I just sit, and watch the world go by. I do a lot of reading, and puzzles too. I love a nice hike when I can get away. 

4. What is something we should all stop and read right now?
In Blogland: Beyond the Clothing
Physically: Lust Lizards of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore

5. Who do you wish would read your blog that doesn't already? Family? Celeb?
I always appreciate new readers, but I don't necessarily want to know who is reading all the time from my real world... wouldn't want to censor myself 

As always I hope you participate with us, I love reading these.  If you repost please be sure to link up with the girls above. Part of my Sunday morning is now dedicated to couch time while reading all of these! Have a wonderful weekend.