Today is a day of Mama Pain. I'm tired today and a bit cranky. And the fact the our building is packed with sulfur dioxide is not helping my chipper mood. And it may not be quite so bad if it weren't for the tunnel we're in already. My family is in the rabbit hole. And we've tumbled past the confusion and been led by the chesire cat... and now we're standing court with the vicious queen of hearts and things are falling apart.
I want to wake up, but alas I am not alseep under the tree. Nor is the queen the queen and king the king. The King is hope, faith, and strength. The King is the only thing keeping us from being completely overwhelmed and attacked by the Queen. The Queen is Cancer.
Cancer has now stricken 3 relatives at once. 2 more have died in the last 5 years and there were several before that. All of these people are under the realm of my Papa Joe. Papa Joe is one of the strongest people I know. He's been through soo much pain and is still chipper and warm. Still travels and is one hell of a Octogenarian.
That story attributed to Mother Teresa - "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." This is my picture of my Papa, such a strong man that didn't ask for any of this. Never watned the responsibilities, but as the patriarch of 4 generations he takes this obligation with a chin held high and the power of hundreds.
Because of this, of the evil queen and the faith that controls her reign. Because Papa Joe deserves less anguish in his life. Because I've been lacking sleep and peace and solace. Because of every little thing thats been pricking me today, I have a case of Mama pain. Of wanting a place for my child that doesn't hurt so bad.